About United Community Church
History of the Church
Founder: William Steuart McBirnie
(circa 1968)
Founded in 1961
The United Community Church was founded in February of 1961 by William Steuart McBirnie. Dr. McBirnie was a highly educated and hard working man.
Dr. McBirnie was on the radio in those days with a 5 minute broadcast called The Voice of Americanism-A conservative view of the news. Through this broadcast he was able to attract many of his listeners in Southern California to the new church.
The church quickly grew to over 1000 in attendance during the 60’s, 70's, and 80's..
Founder's: Wife June McBirnie
(Recent Photo)
Our Pastor
Dr James Crall
Pastor Jimmy was born and grew up in Hessville Indiana. He received Christ at an early age. He was raised in a Godly home. He was taken to church every Sunday. He went to work in the church as janitor at age 15.
He received his Bachelor of Applied Science from East Texas Baptist University, Marshall, Texas. He holds a Master of Arts and a Doctorate in Ministry from the California Graduate School of Theology.
Pastor Jimmy has always had teenagers and children in his church. He has in the past been the youth director and children's pastor and has never really gotten over it. He loves kids and they love him. Most of his senior pastoral work has been restarting and revitalizing older churches.
He has been at United Community Church 11 and half years. The United Community Church allows him both of his passions...he gets to work with young people and he is leading this church to restart after its very prominent past.
Associations and Missionaries
Who We Support
In May of 2014 the United Community Church voted to partner with the Southern Baptist Convention. We had been supporting for several years numerous Southern Baptist entities among which were the International Mission Board, and the North American Mission Board. We also had adopted the Southern Baptist Statement of Faith. Our founder, Dr. Mc Birnie was an ordained Southern Baptist Minister, so is our present Pastor Dr. James Crall. Those and various other reasons brought us to the unanimous decision to become one of the 50,000 of this great cooperative of “like precious faith” churches.
We support the cooperative program, and we also support a number of independent missionaries.
The United Community Church contributes 16% of its entire revenue to mission support, outside of the UCC walls.
Rock of Israel
Jewish Outreach International
Holy Land Missions
Bethlehem Ministries - Israel
New Life Associates - India
Avenues Pregnancy Center - Glendale, CA
International Christian Family Network (ICFN)
International Mission Board (SBC)
North American Mission Board
California Southern Baptist Convention
McBirnie Foundation
Alegria Bible Baptist Church - Philippines
Emanuel Baptist Rescue Mission - Los Angeles, CA
World in Need Baptist Church - Cebu City, Philippines
Bible Baptist Church, Saturation Team - Cebu City, Philippines
San Fernando Valley Southern Baptist Association
Gideons International
Pastor Manuel Cordova - El Salto, Mexico
The Timothy Initiative
Christian Aid Mission
International World Wide evangelism
Central Missionary Clearinghouse